Emotional intelligence and its effect in the work environment
Emotional or emotional intelligence is a set of abilities that help us recognize and regulate emotions in ourselves and others.
Emotional intelligence helps people to establish a strong relationship, succeed in education and work, and achieve life goals. Feelings and emotions play an important role in the quality of personal life. It is very important to know how to control our emotions or express them correctly, especially when we are under pressure.
Emotional intelligence helps us to make better decisions in the face of the complexities of life in the 21st century. In fact, it helps a person in managing behavior and relationships. Researchers have provided methods to increase and measure emotional intelligence, which we will review together in this article.
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence includes a wide set of social skills and individual and interpersonal characteristics; which includes the ability to recognize and manage one’s emotions, recognize and understand the emotions of others, manage relationships with others, self-motivation, optimism in facing obstacles and achieving goals.
Application of emotional intelligence
People with high emotional intelligence perform better in the following areas:
Motivating and persevering in difficult situations
Ability to control impulsive behaviors
Controlling and regulating emotions and the ability to delay them
Preventing stress from overpowering the power of thinking
The power of empathy with others
Recognizing, understanding and managing your emotions
Recognizing, understanding and influencing the emotions of others
Basic components in emotional intelligence
High emotional intelligence helps people to successfully integrate the three basic components of emotion, namely cognition, physiology, and behavior. In the following, we examine the components of emotional intelligence:
1- Self-awareness in emotional intelligence
The first step to increase emotional intelligence is self-awareness and self-knowledge. This ability helps people to lead their lives better and make more reasonable decisions. Therefore, in choosing a field of study, job and spouse do better; Because it is in accordance with one’s mood, interests and self-awareness. The ability to regulate emotions, which relies on self-awareness, gives a person the ability to maintain calmness in stressful situations and the ability to deal with setbacks and failures.
2- Self-regulation
Self-regulation is the ability to control and direct our current impulses and behavior in a situation where we are under pressure. In fact, it is a skill that helps people to express their emotions in an appropriate and social way and to have more control over their anger, sadness and fear.
Hoping for the future and trying to achieve goals is one of the basic components of emotional intelligence that plays a big role in a person’s progress and prosperity in life. Emotional intelligence is the basic factor to achieve progress. People with high emotional intelligence have more motivation and self-confidence to focus on their goals. So it helps a person to focus on his goals and overcome failures better.
4-Empathy is one of the components of emotional intelligence
Empathy is the human ability to identify and understand the feelings of others so that one can understand their feelings when faced with different experiences and situations. Empathy is an ability that relies on emotional intelligence and is a kind of communication skill with people. People who have more empathy pay more attention to the needs and desires of others.
5- Social skills and maintaining relationships
Social skill is the ability to establish intimate relationships with others and use it to achieve goals. High emotional intelligence is associated with popularity and interpersonal effectiveness, in fact it helps to communicate effectively with others in social situations, leadership, the ability to negotiate differences and teamwork. By being aware and managing our emotions, we can better have stable relationships with others. When we can understand the feelings of others, it will be much easier to resolve conflicts or prevent them from occurring.
6-Physical and mental health in emotional intelligence
The ability to manage stress is closely related to emotional intelligence. Being aware of your feelings and reacting appropriately to stress can ensure physical health. Also, high emotional intelligence is associated with a positive and optimistic attitude towards the future and helps to reduce anxiety, prevent depression and mood swings.
The necessity of childhood education
Strengthening the emotional intelligence of children is done by modeling the emotional skills of parents. Strengthening it in children makes them better able to manage their emotions. In fact, this ability helps the child react more appropriately in threatening and dangerous situations, better understand the needs of others, empathize with others, and have a higher sense of responsibility.
Learning and memory are also affected by emotions; Therefore, high emotional intelligence helps the child to realize his talents and abilities and flourish them. The appropriate expression of emotions leads to the reduction of behavioral problems in the child, as a result, children are prepared to face the challenges of life. These children have a greater ability to focus on the problem and use problem solving skills, which will increase their cognitive abilities.
Influential factors in improving emotional intelligence
The critical opportunity for the formation of emotional intelligence is in the early years of life, but this ability continues in a more limited way throughout life. In the following, we will examine some factors to strengthen this ability:
1-Awareness of emotions
When we try to ignore our feelings and emotions, it is actually difficult to control them
It will happen, so it is better to know your feelings, identify the triggers that make you feel and find solutions to deal with them. When you feel negative about something, stay calm and think about why you are having this experience.
2- Analytical mindset
Try to analyze your surroundings. Pay attention to the behaviors, actions and facial expressions of others. In order to have a clearer understanding of other people’s feelings, put yourself in their place and see how you will feel in that particular situation; So that you can better understand the point of view of others.
3- Attention to needs
Emotional intelligence helps people to track their needs and desires according to prioritization and hierarchy of importance. When basic and basic needs are met, higher level needs can be addressed. Try to identify your basic needs in life and set realistic and attainable goals for yourself based on that.
4- Attention to interests
Being aware of your interests will help you on the way to achieving your goals. In fact, having interest and passion in a person can inspire more effort to achieve goals and guide him in this direction. This passion can cover all areas of human life and act as a driving force in life.
Having a positive attitude towards life will help you take advantage of the opportunities you have in life to achieve your growth and prosperity. By adopting a positive attitude, you can be more motivated to reach your goals.
6- Adaptability
Sometimes in life we need to change our path and start anew. When a solution is not effective, try to look for a new strategy so that you can finally have the best performance. Try to add new elements to your thinking and performance.
7-Desire for self and others progress
People with high emotional intelligence are usually interested in collective successes and achievements. In fact, their desire to lead with optimism makes them guide themselves and others to have the most efficiency and best performance; which itself can lead to unity and strong relationship with others.
Signs of people with high emotional intelligence
1- Curiosity about new issues and people
People with high emotional intelligence ask a lot of questions and are curious about people they have just met. These people have a large amount of empathy, which is one of the main components of emotional intelligence, and they like to interact with others. These people are receptive to other people’s feelings and try to know a lot about them in order to gain a better understanding of them.
2-Having the ability to lead is one of the signs of emotional intelligence
Researches and studies show that many worthy leaders of the world have high emotional intelligence. People with high emotional intelligence are better able to lead others and are more successful in managing affairs and issues.
3- High concentration
Are you distracted by the slightest sound or thought? People with high emotional intelligence are very resistant to environmental stimuli and have the power to focus all their attention on a specific subject. Children who can easily focus on their studies and postpone playing until after studying can achieve more success in the future.
4- Helping others is a sign of emotional intelligence
People who patiently listen to others, give up their seats on the subway, and help the elderly have high emotional intelligence. Most of the people are so busy with themselves that they prefer to deal with their own issues and don’t have the patience to help others. Meanwhile, people who think about others and help them despite their busyness have high emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence in the workplace
People who have high emotional intelligence have the ability to control their own feelings and emotions and also be aware of the emotions and feelings of others. For this reason, they can behave in a way that fits the feelings and state of the other party. In this way, they can have the best influence on others and have the ability to lead and manage a group or organization.
For this purpose, such people first gain the best and most complete understanding of themselves and their feelings and create the understanding that each of their behaviors can have an effect on others. These people usually try to annoy others less. Rather, they try to cheer others up and lead them to success with the right behavior and motivational actions.
Also, having emotional intelligence, especially emotional intelligence in the work environment, allows people to have a completely critical spirit. That is, if they receive a non-biased criticism that contains useful and constructive things, they accept it wholeheartedly and try to improve and fix the problem and make the most of the criticism to improve their work.
When faced with a criticism, instead of being aggressive, these people try to control themselves first and do nothing to regret their behavior after the anger subsides. Secondly, among the received criticisms, they look for tips to improve their faults, and unlike others, they turn the received criticisms into a bridge for their progress. If you are one of those people who are unable to control their emotions when they are in such a situation, you can improve this skill by participating in the relevant training courses on emotional intelligence.
Increase and improved
Why does emotional intelligence have the greatest impact on success in the workplace?
People who have high emotional intelligence can quickly establish strong relationships with others based on mutual trust in a group or reach an agreement sooner in negotiations. These people have high honesty and honesty, and as the famous saying goes, they don’t hit anyone underwater and they don’t backstab anyone. This ability to communicate and win the trust of others makes them able to manage well among their colleagues and others within the organization quickly trust them.
These people have a very good teamwork spirit and with respect to other members of the work team, they try to establish strong emotional relationships with them and give them a sense of being valuable in the work group. This makes the personnel and team members work for them with their heart and soul.
Powerful communication in negotiation
Also, this ability and strong relationships can make these people able to establish the best and strongest communication with the customers of the organization or businesses that intend to cooperate with the company in question. Because in business negotiation meetings, they can establish relationships with the other party based on mutual respect and trust and encourage them to enter into a contract with full satisfaction.
In fact, such people can quickly bring the negotiations to a conclusion and make the business profitable by using the ability of emotional intelligence in the work environment.
Negative emotions and feelings such as anger, jealousy, disappointment and other similar cases may affect the manager, customers or personnel and colleagues, so the person should be able to accept the negative consequences of his behavior and look for ways through which emotions Control yourself and avoid unmeasured reactions and unpleasant comments.
Don’t forget that many differences between people arise because of this lack of control over emotions, especially when angry. These differences can lead to the termination of business cooperation, the termination of family and friendship relations, and even the separation of spouses.
High motivation in business
People who have high emotional intelligence are usually highly motivated people, and in any company or business and organization, having motivated employees is considered a great advantage. Motivation means people’s desire to do something, regardless of status or income or obstacles in the way of doing the work. In this case, people’s energy and desire to achieve the goal will take them forward in the path of achieving the goals.
So, you should follow your goals and not ignore the challenges. Motivated managers and employees are very interested in achieving success, and a clear example of them can be seen in the managers and founders of start-ups. These people are very optimistic and can learn from past failures and failures and have a high commitment to their organization. They tend to give up short-term results in order to achieve long-term success. As a result, they motivate and encourage others within the organization as well
Creating a sense of empathy in communication
A sense of empathy with other team members is also one of the characteristics of people with high emotional intelligence, which is widely used in business. Empathy is the ability to understand and respond appropriately to the emotions of others. Having this characteristic, it causes a kind and respectful treatment with others. A manager or employee with the characteristic of empathy can better understand the feelings, needs, wishes and opinions of those around him and listen to their problems well and with compassion. This feature is used both within the organization and among employees, as well as in relation to customers.
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